Shopify Masters

Why Losing Money on a Sale Can Be Beneficial

Episode Summary

In this episode of Shopify Masters, we’ll hear from Danielle Vincent of Outlaw Soaps on how they navigated production and why feedback from customers are crucial.

Episode Notes

The scent of a specialty soap from her honeymoon stayed with Danielle Vincent as she went back to work and each time she would smell it, she was transported back to those happy memories. This sensory experience prompted her to launch Outlaw Soaps with her husband Russ. Together, the couple created soaps that would smell like campfire, whiskey, and leather to meet the niche of specialty scents. 

In this episode of Shopify Masters, we’ll hear from Danielle Vincent of Outlaw Soaps on how they navigated production and why feedback from customers are crucial. 

For more on Outlaw Soaps and show notes:

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