Shopify Masters

How One Entrepreneur Generates $1 Million a Year Selling Marijuana Accessories

Episode Summary

In this episode you’ll learn from a top performing sales executive that’s in charge of two Shopify stores in the marijuana accessories industry. In this episode you'll learn: 1. Why you’ll get better customers by offering 100% satisfaction guaranteed refunds rather than giving away free samples. 2. Why not needing revenue immediately can help you focus on building a product-first business. 3. What it’s like working a demanding sales job and running 2 Shopify businesses.

Episode Notes

In this episode you’ll learn from a top performing sales executive that’s in charge of two Shopify stores in the marijuana accessories industry.

In this episode you'll learn:

  1. Why you’ll get better customers by offering 100% satisfaction guaranteed refunds rather than giving away free samples.

  2. Why not needing revenue immediately can help you focus on building a product-first business.

3. What it’s like working a demanding sales job and running 2 Shopify businesses.