Shopify Masters

How To Create a Need and Justify Your Use Case

Episode Summary

In this episode of Shopify Masters, you'll hear from Tyson Wilson of Shred Defender on how he built a completely new product category, educated his target demographic on the use case, and generated a need for Shed Defenders.

Episode Notes

Being the dog owner of a Saint Bernard named Harley, Tyson Walters was constantly on cleaning duty and barely kept up with Harley's shedding.
Realizing that he's not alone, Tyson came up with the idea of Shed Defender and started prototyping breathable onesies for dogs to reduce shedding cleanups.
After going viral, testing out infomercials, and being on Shark Tank, Tyson shares the lessons learned along the way.

To learn more about Tyson, Shred Defender, and the show notes:

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